The Olive Tree Apps

Wear File Transfer 1.0
The Olive Tree
Copy files from/to the memory of your Androidwear watch with this app.The application will be installed in your watch as soon as it isconnected to your phone via bluetooth.Once installed you need to connect your watch to a WIFI networkto use this application. At the moment this is the only supportedconnection.Use any FTP client (also Windows File Explorer) to copy/readfiles to/from your watch, just enter the address on the screen whenthe server is running.Your watch will not connect to a WIFI network while connected toyour phone via bluetooth.TODO:Support also Bluetooth connection.
BikeLight 1.11
The Olive Tree
Application to simulate a bike light. Front light is simulatedusing flash light and rear lights using screen. If your phone doesnot have a flash light you will be able only to use rear light.Camera permission is needed to use the flash light.
Foto Rojas 1.3
The Olive Tree
Aplicación con fotografías de Foto RojasdePegalajar.Puedes usar las fotografías como wallpaper haciendo "longpress"en la miniatura.Todas las fotografías en esta aplicación son propiedad de"FotoRojas". Queda prohibido su venta, reutilización en otrosproductos(ya sean gratuitos o de pago), etc.Application DesignsRedPhoto Pegalajar.You can use photos as wallpaper by "long press" onthethumbnail.All photographs in this application are the property of"PhotoRed". Prohibited the sale, reuse in other products (whetherfree orpaid), etc.
WebDAV Server Pro 1.17
The Olive Tree
WebDAV Server Pro. Mount directories on the phone as directories onyour PC.
Ftp Server Pro 1.32
The Olive Tree
Transfer files to/from your PC
Ftp Server 1.32
The Olive Tree
Transfer files to/from your PC
Ssh server
The Olive Tree
Ssh server. File transfers with protocol SCP and SFTP areavailable.Command line is also available (beta version). Commandline needs"/system/bin/sh" preinstalled.Intents:com.theolivetree.sshserver.StartSshServercom.theolivetree.sshserver.StopSshServerTo start the serverautomatically use application "Autostart andStaY!" Tasker with the intents provided. I have tested theserverusing: *Secure file transfer: WinSCP : *Command line: Putty:
Ssh Server Pro
The Olive Tree
Transfer files to/from your PC
Ftp Server Pro TV 1.32
The Olive Tree
Same as Ftp Server Pro but this app can be run in devices withoutatouch screen as a TV. I am still testing this app; if you haveanyproblem with it I will make a refund before 24 hours.Read/writeany folder, including sdcard, in your android device withthis ftpserver. You can backup your photos to your PC, copy musicandmovies to your device, etc. If you still do not have a ftpclient Irecommend FileZilla client (you can download iton but you can also use fileexploreron windows. Free version does not allow landscape screen.Features:Use any network interface in your device including: WIFI,Ethernet,Mobile network, USB... Anonymous user (can be disabled).One Ftpuser (can be disabled). Name and password can be changed.Homedirectory can be root directory, Read only mode. Passive andactivemodes. Show hidden files. Custom home folder. Option to runserveras a foreground service. Energy save mode. Languagessupported:English, Spanish, Romanian, French, Italian, Hungarian,German,Chinese, Catalan, Korean, Russian, Japanese andPortuguese.Intents:   com.theolivetree.ftpserver.StartFtpServerProTv   com.theolivetree.ftpserver.StopFtpServerProTv How to connectwithFtp server using USB cable: This can useful when you have USBcableand not network available. 1) On your phone gotoSettings->Applications->Development and set option"USBdebugging". 2) Connect your phone to your PC using USB cable.3)Start adb server. On your PC run command "adb start-server". adbisa program that you can find on android sdk. Usually you willfindit on android-sdk\platform-tools\adb. 4) Forward needed portsfromyour PC to your phone. On your PC run command "adb forwardtcp:2221tcp:2221" You will need to repeat this step for all ftpserver andpassive ports configured in your phone. It will be easierif youuse a small range of passive ports. With this, any connectioninyour pc to will be forwarded to your phone inport2221. 5) Run Ftp server in your phone, open settings andin"Network interfaces" select "Loopback (" or "All"6)Start ftp server. 7) In your PC connect your ftp clienttoftp:// (port might be different, it depends onyourFtp Server configuration). Connections in this mode need tobealways started by PC so only passive mode is available whenusingUSB connection. Permissions needed: INTERNETACCESS_NETWORK_STATEACCESS_WIFI_STATE Network permission to enableserver to opennetwork communication with ftp clients.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGEEnables ftp server write received files fromftp clients on sdcard.WAKE_LOCK Keeps phone wake only while serveris running. If phoneis not wake connections to ftp server can fail.Shortcuts to startthe server: KEYCODE_PROG_GREEN KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAYKEYCODE_1KEYCODE_BUTTON_1 KEYCODE_NUMPAD_1 KEYCODE_BUTTON_XShortcuts tostop the server: KEYCODE_PROG_RED: KEYCODE_MEDIA_STOP:KEYCODE_2:KEYCODE_BUTTON_2: KEYCODE_NUMPAD_2: KEYCODE_BUTTON_B:Shortcuts toaccess server settings: KEYCODE_PROG_YELLOW:KEYCODE_3:KEYCODE_BUTTON_3: KEYCODE_NUMPAD_3: KEYCODE_BUTTON_Y:Librariesused by this program: Apache ftp server v1.0.6. Apache2License.Android viewflow pakerfeldt (01/Nov/2011). Apache2License: Specialthanks to:Beatriz Vera, Surjit Panda, Alex Sovu, Balazs DavidMolnar, DamienVarvenne, Simone Balducci, Juanvi, Chengcheng Hu,Noelia, TomokazuWakasugi and Paulino Feitio.
WebDAV Server 1.17
The Olive Tree
WebDAV Server. Mount directories on the phone as directories onyour PC.